Order Book. Part 4. – DOMs Signals
In the previous parts of this guide, we have mainly studied a visual analysis of the order book. However, it has derivatives data in a digital form in addition.
In the previous parts of this guide, we have mainly studied a visual analysis of the order book. However, it has derivatives data in a digital form in addition.
In the modern world, almost everyone is familiar with the concept of a "stock" (share). As everyone for whom this concept is not over their heads knows they can earn good money if they invest in growing companies.
In this article, we have collected the current information on the most valuable (richest) global brands as of March 13, 2023.
We suppose that you’re already familiar with the concept of stop-loss. However, let’s learn what the right stop-loss means.
Forex industry has a small and dirty secret … It’s unpleasant for traders themselves, and brokers prefer keeping silence about it.
Today's article is about the top 10 of the most valuable companies in the world.
In this article, we’re going to talk about the ratio of open positions of traders (we will test them). This sort of information is not usually shared with the general public.
Bob spends a lot of time sitting in front of his computer every day trying to profit from exchange rate fluctuations. Let's take a look at one of the typical days when Bob tried to earn a profit.
Liquidity is the ability of assets to be sold quickly and closest to the market price. However, one definition is not enough to answer the question, what currency pair is the most liquid, since such liquidity must somehow be measured.
Here we will talk about the most volatile currency pairs in the Foreign Exchange (Forex) market in 2023.
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