The Most Expensive Metals to Trade in 2024
What comes to your mind when you hear about the most expensive metals in the world? We bet a lot of people would think about gold, silver, or platinum first. Well, guess again.
What comes to your mind when you hear about the most expensive metals in the world? We bet a lot of people would think about gold, silver, or platinum first. Well, guess again.
One of the most crucial elements of the digital business world are IT and software providers, since they set the rules of the corporate world, helping companies of any size and from any industry to grow and evolve constantly.
Today, technology is one of the most powerful sectors shaping the global economy, driving changes, and setting trends. So here, we will tell you about the world's biggest technology companies that rule the world.
Here we’ve analyzed each individual currency in detail, issuing a fact sheet on each to explain the factors that are most likely to influence its price.
Being one of the world's most liquid markets, Forex involves various currency pairs. However, only a handful are in high demand and are most traded.
Who hasn't tried or at least heard of a famous Big Mac at McDonald's fast-food restaurants? However, few people know that it gave rise to the so-called Big Mac Index, which compares the value of currencies of different countries.
The most popular way to make money from Forex trading is to exploit strong trends. However, your favorite currency pair(s) will not always deliver the persistent moves you’re looking for.
One day I came across a link to a binary options broker’s website. Well, I thought it was time to figure out what binary options were and understand why the industry was growing so fast.
In this article, we will talk about the best-suited currency pairs for the carry trade strategy.
In Forex, the spread is essentially one part of the cost for you as a trader to open any trades. It counts into the total price of trading.
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