Simple Inside Bar Trading Strategy
Are you a technical trader? In this article, you will understand a result-oriented candlestick pattern trading method known as the inside bar trading strategy.
Are you a technical trader? In this article, you will understand a result-oriented candlestick pattern trading method known as the inside bar trading strategy.
News trading is one of the many trading strategies traders employ to profit from the forex market. But can you become profitable by trading forex news alone?
Greed and fear are two emotions that cause most traders to lose money in forex trading. Even expert traders are sometimes victims of these emotions. But how do you conquer them?
Weekly and Monthly timeframes are some of the most ignored timeframes by many forex traders. But should you join them?
There’s an age-long debate about the differences between supply and demand zones, and support and resistance levels. We share our opinion on this debate in this article.
Currency pair correlations are some of the last things you’ll likely learn in a forex academy, but they’re by no means the least important. How many of them do you know?
Liquidity voids happen all the time in forex. And when they happen, they hardly leave without creating trading opportunities. We discuss how to trade them in this article.
Today, we discuss the most honest answer to how long it will take you to become a profitable forex trader.
There are various trading strategies in forex. Two of the most popular are day trading and swing trading. This article discusses the differences between those two.
Forex brokers often have mobile app versions of their trading software. While this makes it easy to monitor your trades, it may not be such a great idea to trade on your phone.
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